What is your blog about?
Plush Palate is my place to share and archive all the lovely things that inspire my aesthetic sensibilities. My passion is interior design, so you’ll see a lot of that and some fashion, too, which of course is so related. I love how they meet at the intersection of texture, symmetry, scale, color, harmony, and contrast!
How did you get started, and where does your inspiration come from?
I got started when I realized I needed an organized place to store my inspiration in one, easily accessible place (rather than the growing mounds of tabbed magazines and bookmarked internet pages that cluttered my life). A blog seemed like the perfect solution! My inspiration comes from everywhere – observing the colors of nature in a garden, spotting an amazing outfit while people watching, watching an old movie, etc. But my #1 inspiration comes from other design bloggers! You can find a list of my favorites on my blogroll.
What was it like for you as a blogger in the beginning?
Exciting but slow! I loved the feeling of creating a post and putting it out there into the blogosphere. But the reality is that it takes time to find your voice and your audience, so patience and passion is key. But if your content is good and you become a generous giver of the blog world, your readership will begin to grow organically!
What are the goals and aspirations for Plush Palate?
My only real goals for Plush Palate are that it continues to be a platform from which I learn and a place for me to make new friends. Thankfully, I feel both of these aims are achieved on a daily basis. The wonderful bloggers I follow keep me up to date on new trends, new products and new inspirations. I’m also grateful to say I now call many of them my friends.
What are you doing when you are not blogging?
I love doing simple things like spending hours in a bookstore thumbing through magazines and books or having my girlfriends over to share lots of laughter, conversation, and a good bottle of wine. And of course the two things I couldn’t do without are my morning runs and traveling to new places!
What is something most people wouldn't know about you?
That I'm fluent in Italian :) I took my first Italian class when I was twenty and immediately became smitten with the language. This led to a long love affair with Italy and a subsequent three years living there. This post explains it a little more: A Love Story.
What tip or piece of advice would you give to a new blogger?
Be proactive about finding your audience. Your content may be fabulous but if nobody is aware of it, no one can enjoy your wonderful work. I try and spend some time each night visiting other blogs and making connections through comments or emails with the ones that I find inspiring. Little by little you build a network you can count on! But most importantly have fun with it, love what you blog, and be yourself!
Be sure to check out the Plush Palate blog and follow her on Twitter!
What do you think about the blog?
Thank you Allison for letting my be a part of Aspiring Couture today! The feeling is mutual about your blog - so inspiring! Happy Friday! xo